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How will you

Convert Website Visitors

Now that Google is no longer allowing advertisers to target visitors using 3rd party data profiles?

How Can We Help?

Convert lost visitors with a physical mail retargeting offer delivered to their home address with data compiled from a unique customer profile that you own.

True Customer Profiles

Use our proprietary algorithm and pixel to generate accurate customer profiles 100% unique to your business, that you own!

  • Use accurate data to optimize ads

  • Retarget real visitors with real data

  • Serve visitors exactly what they want

  • 8-20% Conversion Rates

    Our algorithm ethically pulls customer addresses, and sends a physical mail invitation offer with extra incentive.

  • Convert up to 20% more lost leads

  • Served an offer they were viewing

  • Retarget only the hottest buyers

  • Physical Mail Retargeting

    Win-back lost leads with a specific offer mailed directly to their physical address after they viewed the product.

  • Give extra incentive to buy

  • 100% Legal and Ethical

  • 100% GDPR Compliant

  • What Does This Mean To Me, and Why Should I Care?

    Have you ever generated a Google ad and plugged in demographic data about the type of person you want to see your ads? This data came from 3rd party tracking cookies, and allowed Google to serve your ads to very specific types of people - your target audience.

    Without 3rd party tracking, your ads are served to a less focused, more generic audience - meaning you will pay more in adspend because your ads will be showing to a more general audience.

    • Adspend Increases - Your ads are being shown to a wider audience with less relevance.

    • Traffic Decreases - Fewer clicks if your ad is not relevant to the viewer

    • Bounce Rates Increase -You waste money when people click just to decide they're not interested

    • Conversion Rates Tank - Less targeted visitors mean people visit your site, and don't buy - Here's where we come in

    Ready To Take Control Of Your Advertising Campaigns and Convert Lost Visitors?

    You already paid for the visitor, they can remain a lost lead, or you can send them an offer to their mailbox. Contact us today to discuss the details.